Beto Getting Teeth Cleaned

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On Thursday morning, Texas politician and maybe-2020 presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke posted an Instagram story from the dentist’s office. “So I’m here at the dentist,” he explained, after his. You might say Beto O’Rourke is trying to sink his teeth into to the border issue. The Texas Democrat, who made an unsuccessful bid for the Senate in November and is looking at a possible 2020 presidential run, posted on Instagram a short video of him being worked on by his dental hygienist, Diana, as they discussed the southern border. Getting your teeth cleaned at the dentist can be expensive, especially if you do not have dental insurance. If you can't afford to go to the dentist, but still want to make sure your teeth are clean and cavity-free, perform an at-home checkup yourself.

  1. Beto Getting Teeth Cleaned Back
  2. Beto Getting Teeth Cleaned Removed

If you went to your dentist for a check-up and dental clean in the last year, give yourself a pat on the back. Not everyone loves the dentist, but research shows people who visit at least once a year for preventative care are happier with their smile.


Regular dental visitors are also less likely to need a filling or have a tooth removed.

Beto Getting Teeth Cleaned Back

So how often do we need to go to the dentist? Most of us can get away with an annual trip, but some people at higher risk of dental problems should visit more often.

Read more: Child tooth decay is on the rise, but few are brushing their teeth enough or seeing the dentist

Why do I need to get my teeth cleaned?

While we all do the best we can on our own, professional teeth cleaning removes plaque, the soft yellowish build-up, and calculus (hardened plaque) we can’t get to. This soft build-up is made up of billions of different types of bacteria that live and reproduce in our mouth by feeding on the food we eat.

Most bacteria live in our bodies without causing too much trouble. But certain bacteria in dental plaque, when they grow in numbers, can lead to cavities (holes in the teeth) or gum disease.

A dental clean will reduce your chance of getting cavities or gum disease by significantly reducing the amount of plaque and calculus in your mouth.


So how often?

As a dentist, my patients often ask me how regularly they should get their teeth cleaned. My response is usually: “That depends”.

Most private health insurance schemes cover a dental check-up and clean once every six months. But there’s no hard and fast evidence, particularly if you’re a healthy person who is less likely to get a cavity or gum disease.

Read more: 50 shades whiter: what you should know about teeth whitening

However, some people are at higher risk of getting dental cavities or gum disease – and this group should get their teeth cleaned more often.

Hole in one

We know certain health and lifestyle factors can affect a person’s risk of developing cavities. Here are some yes/no questions you can ask yourself to understand whether you’re at a higher risk:

  1. is your drinking water or toothpaste fluoride-free?
  2. do you snack a lot, including on sweets?
  3. do you avoid flossing?
  4. do you brush your teeth less than twice a day?
  5. do you visit your dentist for toothaches rather than check-ups?
  6. do you need new fillings every time you visit the dentist?
  7. is your dentist “watching” a lot of early cavities?
  8. do you have to wear an appliance in your mouth such as a denture or braces?
  9. do you suffer from a chronic long-term health condition such as diabetes?
  10. do you suffer from a dry mouth?

If you answered “yes” to most of these questions, you’re likely to need to see your dentist or hygienist at least every six months, if not more often.

As well as removing the bug-loaded plaque and calculus, people prone to cavities benefit from the fluoride treatment after scaling.

How often should a person get their teeth cleaned

Evidence shows professional fluoride treatment every six months can lead to a 30% reduced risk of developing cavities, needing fillings or having teeth removed.

Read more: Two million Aussies delay or don't go to the dentist – here's how we can fix that

Dental health is related to our overall health

Some people with chronic health issues such as heart conditions or diabetes will need to see their dentists more frequently. This is because they are more prone to gum disease.

People taking blood thinners and other medications, such as pills and infusions for osteoporosis, may need to visit the dentist more regularly too. These medications can complicate the process of an extraction or other dental work, so regular checks and cleans are best to help detect problems before they become serious.

People with bleeding gums should also see their dental practitioners more often. This is especially important if you have been diagnosed with advanced gum disease, known as periodontal disease.

What about the budget?

Beto getting teeth cleaned

The average cost of a check-up, dental clean and fluoride treatment is A$231, but the cost can vary from A$150 to A$305. You can contact your local dentist to find out what they charge. Your dentist may offer you a payment plan.

If you can’t afford this, you may qualify for free or discounted treatment if you hold a concession card. Children from families that receive a Family Tax Benefit A may be eligible for free dental treatment through the Child Dental Benefits Schedule.

People with private health insurance with extras or ancillary cover will also have some or all of their dental treatment covered.

Protecting your smile

Beto Getting Teeth Cleaned Removed

So you don’t really get cavities or have gum disease, but would prefer to see your dentist every six months? Great. Some people prefer to go twice a year to reduce the chance of a nasty toothache.

Parents often wish to set a good example for their children by making regular check and clean appointments for the whole family.

Read more: Health care is getting cheaper (unless you need a specialist, or a dentist)

There are many benefits to regular checks and cleans. Visiting your dentist regularly helps reduce the chance of needing more complex and expensive dental treatment later on.

And touching base with your oral health practitioner provides that nudge we all need now and again to eat healthily, brush better and floss more often.

Texas Democrat Beto O'Rourke disgusted and confused commentators on both sides of the aisle by posting video to social media of his trip to the dentist.

The move from O'Rourke, often floated as a potential 2020 Democratic presidential candidate, comes on the heels of other Democratic stars using social media to speak about politics in a relaxed setting. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez (D., N.Y.) live-streamed herself making macaroni and cheese in November, while Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.) filmed herself drinking a beer at home on New Year's Eve to mixed reviews.

But the consensus on Twitter was that O'Rourke went too far in filming an Instagram Live video during his dental cleaning Thursday, complete with a view of his gaping maw.

Beto is Instagramming his dental cleaning

— andrew kaczynski (@KFILE) January 10, 2019

Boundaries, Beto, boundaries.

— Katy Tur (@KatyTurNBC) January 10, 2019

God I hope Beto O'Rourke doesn't need a colonoscopy anytime soon

Recent Stories in Politics

— Ben Jacobs (@Bencjacobs) January 10, 2019

Someone didn't understand what an advisor meant by 'All the kids are flossing'

— The Daily Show (@TheDailyShow) January 10, 2019


— Chris Cillizza (@CillizzaCNN) January 10, 2019

pokemon go to the dentist

— Dana Schwartz (@DanaSchwartzzz) January 10, 2019

Beto Getting Teeth Cleaned

He strongly supports action to protect the molar investigation.

— Olivier Knox (@OKnox) January 10, 2019

please stop tweeting the pic of Beto getting his teeth cleaned

— Rosie Gray (@RosieGray) January 10, 2019

We’re going to have Beto O’Rourke calling to abolish ICE while taking a dump and instagramming it.

— Stephen Miller (@redsteeze) January 10, 2019

The actual focus of the video was not intended to be O'Rourke, but his dental hygienist, named Diana. 'We're going to continue our series on the people of the border,' he said in the video intro, saying she was 'going to tell us a little bit about growing up in El Paso.'

'It's a beautiful community. We all support each other, we love each other,' Diana said. 'And it's not what everybody else thinks, sadly, about us. It's actually a wonderful place to live and grow up.'